Self-mastery is knowing what you can and cannot change

Some of us may struggle with the desire to be in another category, but this may not be something you can choose. Although there are many things you can choose in your life in order to live by design, knowing what drives you is equal parts design and discovery. One of the worst things you can do is try to be something you’re not. It won’t help you reach the goals that will give you the most fulfilling life possible and it may even hold you back from finding the important things that can give you more meaning from day-to-day.

Business isn’t your only arena

There are a lot of arenas you can find personal growth in.  One of my greatest arenas is the relationship I have with my children. They teach me to be flexible and constantly push me to grow. This is a big reason why I don’t think one category is necessarily better than the other. You can only judge them by your true motivations. Search for all of the arenas you can experience growth in. Doing so will create a much more well rounded life for you to enjoy.