Turn Your Whispers Into Wake-Up Calls

Last month, I was in Cincinnati, OH, for a speaking engagement that my good friend Peter Chabris was hosting for his company, Lockbox. We had dinner the night before with his wife, Lynn, and they shared with me how much the book 'Outlive' by Peter Attia has impacted their health over the past year.
I've always been a big fan of Peter Attia (and Peter Chabris), so I decided right then and there that I was going to read that book. As much as I preach about the power of energy and the importance of health, I have to be honest... I have taken my eye off that ball for the last three to four months, and the little whispers of my intuition have been on me about taking this area of my life much more seriously. That dinner brought to mind a post I had found last summer by Aubrey Marcus, the best-selling author, podcaster, and founder of Onnit, on Instagram.
Little did I know that the next morning, on the way to the speaking engagement, that little whisper would become a total and utter punch in the gut when Peter asked me a question... "Jordan, when was the last time you took a vacation that had nothing to do with work?"
I had to really think about this one. I have taken vacations over the past 12 months, but all of them somehow involved work: a speaking engagement, My Freed Life, or working with a team that I have the honor of coaching.
Me: 'I don't know. Like a year...'
Peter: 'It shows, man...you feel a little crusty to me. In fact, Lynn even brought it up after dinner last night. You need to take better care of yourself. A lot of people love and depend on you.'
I have to admit that I was floored. I couldn't believe he had called me out like that. More importantly, I realized that I wasn't hiding my fatigue as well as I thought I was. In the sixty days prior to this conversation, I had traveled to more than six cities, spoken at over 12 events, and conducted somewhere in the realm of over 100 one-on-one coaching calls, all while leading two different training programs. My output has literally never been higher, but I've also never felt so tired in my life.
As my mind began to chill, gratitude filled my bones. At first, I wanted to tell Peter to 'f*ck off,' but I knew where his heart was. I knew he only said it because he cares about me, and I realized that only your true friends will candidly call you out when you inevitably find yourself off course. Peter is a true friend, and I have since called and thanked him for his willingness to kick my ass when it needed it.
There are a few things I want you to take away from today's post:
- What are the little whispers in your life right now? What are the areas of your life you might be taking for granted and need some time, energy, and focus?
- Who are the true friends in your world that are willing to call you out? Are you spending enough time with those people? Have you shown them gratitude or appreciation lately?
- Who needs you to call them out? Who in your world is off track and needs you to say something?
This is the time of year most people put their health on layaway, throw caution to the wind, and choose to start their next year fat, sick, and nearly dead. You don't have to be one of those people. Let this post serve as the catalyst to turn your whispers into a wake-up call.
live freed,