Ever wonder why it is so hard to pick up the phone and call your past clients or sphere of influence? Many of us find ourselves avoiding the 1000 pound telephone or hiding behind massively complicated click funnels that never seem to quite get done. You aren’t alone and you aren’t call reluctant, you’re value deficient.  The 10.25.90 is a calendar driven communication plan for any small business owner to effectively pump massive value into their community databases.  Our goal is to engineer such high minded content that is distributed through an amazingly simple process, you avoid the call reluctance that is a symptom of value deficiency.

Here is how it works 

On the 10th of every month we do one of these five things… 

  1. Call in-Reverse BOLD 100 Giveaway where people call in to register 
  2. Opt In-Reverse BOLD 100 Giveaway where people fill out a form (Google, Jot, BombBomb) to register 
  3. Come In-Reverse Pop By where people come to you to pick something of value up. 
  4. Zoom In-An event where people are invited to attend virtually 
  5. Go Out-Pop By where something of value is delivered to their house. 

On the 25th of every month we are going to do an email newsletter filled w/ great info  about your market, a local business spotlight, your community, and/or something cool.  

Business Spotlights

  • Select at least 12 local businesses that you will spotlight in the next 12 months. 
  • Do your best to highlight businesses based on a few criteria.  One is usability by your audience.  Someone who manufactures airplane parts probably isn’t going to be a business your database can frequent.  Stick to businesses that your database is able to buy from.  Second, look for businesses that have a good reputation and have a large following.  Jeff Quentin mentioned that he chose his based around a number of Facebook likes because they have the largest audience when/if his spotlight video was being shared by that business.  
  • Remember that a large part of doing the spotlights are the people you get to meet and develop relationships with in the process.  This is a great effective way to get into relationships with some of the top minds in your area.  The success of a business spotlight isn’t just the audience  but the people you meet in the process.  
  1. Coffee w/ MC
  2. Cruising w/ Kirk 
  3. Jeff Quintin at the Quintin Group  

Every 90 Days is the newsletter/magazine

A local newsletter or magazine that is printed and mailed to your database. 

Newsletter Example

Magazine Example

Start small, keep it simple, and know this is like a ladder.  You don’t have to grab every rung.  You don’t have to use this exactly how it is written.  Get started and remember that in the beginning consistency trumps content.  


Mary Cheatham King’s Team email Newsletter


  1. A Reverse BOLD 100 Giveaway
  2. A Monthly Contest Giveaway 
  3. A Pop-By to the Business or Residence of our people
    1. Two Pop Bys should be going to their door
    2. Two Pop Bys should be reverse (where they come to you.)
      1. Examples of this would be Thanksgiving Pie Day
      2. Date Night where they pick up a pizza from you. 
  4. A local event for people to attend w/ mailed invitation and a one on one personal invite (text, phone call, email) 
  5. Teaching something to your community

The 5 Value Offers each Real Estate Professional Should Have 

  1. Vendor List  
  2. Local Expert (Industry, Area, Neighborhoods, Products, Market Trends Investments) 
  3. Events/Giveaways (Local Events and Giveaways) 
  4. Teaching (Experience/Passion) 
  5. Community Cause (Create one or Partner w/ One) Give time, money, resources, exposure